Articles Tagged 'javascript'

SpiraTeam and KronoDesk Javascript Not Loading Fully on Windows Server 2012+

If you install SpiraTeam or KronoDesk on Windows Server 2012 (or later), you need to make sure that the various IIS Roles and Features are installed. If not, you may find that various Menus don't display correctly or that the pages do not display any data. This article describes the features and roles that need to be included.

All the settings and prerequisites required for proper operation of the Spira instance can be found here in our documentation:

Date manipulation in JavaScript

When testing applications, you might often need to work with dates obtained from the application. This article provides a couple of helpful templates to get you started with parsing and manipulating these dates.

SpiraTeam and KronoDesk Javascript Not Loading Fully on Windows 8+

If you install SpiraTeam or KronoDesk on Windows 8 or later, you need to make sure that the various IIS Roles and Features are installed. If not, you may find that various Menus don't display correctly or that the pages do not display any data.
This article describes the features and roles that need to be included.

JavaScript version used by Rapise

Below we provide the information on JavaScript version used by Rapise.

Resources for Learning JavaScript

One of the most popular programming languages in the world is JavaScript. Initially conceived by Netscape as a web page scripting language, christened JavaScript to leverage the popularity of Java (which was fairly new and sexy at the time) and now used for servers (NodeJS), desktop apps (ReactNative) and for us at Inflectra, the core technology at the heart of our Rapise test automation system. This article provides some useful resources for those first learning the language.

Javascript .js not associated with Windows Scripting Host

Sometimes if you have installed a program that associates itself with the .js file extension, you will see the following error when you try and record/play a Rapise test:

Microsoft (R) Windows Script Host Version 5.8
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Input Error: There is no script engine for file extension ".js".
Code Completion of Native JavaScript Objects

Rapise has built-in code completion logic that lets it suggest the available list of functions for a specific object. However since JavaScript is fundamentally an un-typed language, for the code completion to work, there are some tips and tricks that you can use.

Using Navigator.ExecJS to execute JavaScript code inside a browser

Sometimes you need to execute JavaScript code at a browser side and get the result. You can do this with Navigator.ExecJS.

Why Does Rapise Use DoXXXX Naming for Methods

A customer asked us why Rapise uses Pascal Case names for the various operations, functions and properties, as well as the reason why operations are prefixed with a "Do" action name.

Executing JavaScript commands against Web Browser

Sometimes you want to be able to open a browser window and execute JavaScript commands directly against the DOM objects rather than using the Rapise learned objects. This article explains the recommended way of doing this.

Recording Popup JavaScript Confirmation Boxes

When you are recording a test against a Web application you may have to deal with a popup JavaScript confirm or alert box. This article describes the process for dealing with them.

Display Intellisense for ActiveX and .NET Objects

Sometimes when you are using Rapise, you have to use external ActiveX or .NET objects to perform specific actions. You can get Rapise to display intellisense for those objects.

How to execute a JavaScript function when its name as a string

Sometimes it is convenient to store function names in strings and use those strings to call actual functions. The article describes two ways of how you can do this in Rapise.

Application Dropdowns and Other Controls Not Displaying Correctly
When installing SpiraTest/Plan/Team or KronoDesk on a Windows 2008+ server, some of the controls or content in the application does not display correctly.