Articles Tagged 'antivirus'

Anti-Virus Software and Test Automation

Anti-virus software is very sensitive to test automation tools. This is normal, because test automation tools usually do API, keyboard and mouse hooking to be able to record and playback user actions.

Rapise and Microsoft Defender Antivirus

If you use Microsoft Defender Antivirus to protect your system then you may need to perform certain steps to use Rapise effectively.

Rapise and Avast Antivirus

If you use Avast Antivirus to protect your system then you may need to perform certain steps to install and use Rapise.

Troubleshooting the "The Pipe is being Closed" Error during Rapise Installation

Sometimes when you try and install Rapise, you will see the error message "The Pipe is Being Closed", this article provides some solutions for this message.

A DLL required for this install to complete could not be run

If you run one of our installation packages (.msi) and receive the following message:

A DLL required for this install to complete could not be run