
The effectiveness of a release or iteration can also be evaluated by the number of defects. The defect count can prepare for a robust deployment of the required resources to support the deployment to address any potential challenges from customers. 

Defect Detection SQL Query

Given below is the query.

  RL.name as name, 
  count(I.incident_id) as tcount 
  SpiraTestEntities.R_Incidents as I 
  SpiraTestEntities.R_Releases as RL on 
  I.detected_release_id = RL.release_id and 
  RL.project_id = I.project_id 
  I.project_id = ${ProjectId} and 
  I.is_deleted = False
group by 

Query Explanation

  • Since defects detected in a release are mapped, the incident and release tables are brought. 
  • If release picker from the interface is also required, the RELEASE_ID = ${ReleaseId} can be added. This would limit the data set for that release.
  • Often, when release and its children are also required, then, use ${ReleaseAndChildIds} to filter by a comma-separated list of the release and child sprints/phases. 
  • To avoid deleted incidents  confusing the results, apply the IS_DELETED = False.


Given below is the output.

Quality - Defect Detection Rate