Exploratory testing - modifying test steps and test cases during test run

Friday, September 9, 2016
When doing exploratory testing the tester always learns something new about the system, and wants to execute the test cases and improve the test cases simultaneously - that means:

So the tester executes these tasks in parallel:
- executes test cases
- modifies/adds/removes test cases, executes tests that were added/modified
modifies/adds/removes test steps, executes test steps that were added/modified

Can it be done in Spira? Now I see that when you run "Execute" of some Test Set - then all the tests are _copied_ to the test run, so when tester adds/modifies tests and steps - he/she cannot run them since new changes cannot be promoted to existing test run. Test Runs are like "cast in stone".
As a result of test session - "Test Cases" part of the system contains added test cases and added test steps that were actually executed, some passed some failed - but nothing about them is in the Test Run part

running SpiraTeam v4.2.0.7
1 Replies
Tuesday, September 13, 2016
re: r.fominych Friday, September 9, 2016
Hi Roman

Yes that is correct, we make a copy of the test case called a 'test run' so that multiple users can run the same test case without affecting each other.

You can make changes to the test case in a separate browser tab simultaneously with test execution in the primary tab.



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  • Started: Friday, September 9, 2016
  • Last Reply: Tuesday, September 13, 2016
  • Replies: 1
  • Views: 3105