SpiraTest and Testcomplete 10 not working

Friday, October 31, 2014

Problem: TestComplete10 runs but doesnt appear to find nor automate the script


Have Spiratest and Testcomplete10 running on the same virtual server.

Have loaded appropriate spiratest DLL's for TestComplete10.

Have gone into administrator page and edited the Automation settings for TestComplete10 to enable these.

Have setup the TestHost.

Have created the Test Set and set the automation details to access an existing TestComplete project.

Am using the path settings advised in another forum post C:\Users\SMARTBEAR\Documents\TestComplete 10 Projects\Pulse Project\RegressionTests\PulseRegressionTests.pjs|BaseTests|Script|StartUpApp.scs

File physically exists in the directory.

Adjust the plan date on the test set and test is found by RemoteLaunch and launches TestComplete successfully.

TestComplete attemtps to load script and immediately closes.

Spiratest gives the following error:

Unable to open project suite - 'C:\Users\SMARTBEAR\Documents\TestComplete 10 Projects\Pulse Project\RegressionTests\PulseRegressionTests.pjs'

Stack Trace:
at Inflectra.RemoteLaunch.Engines.TestCompleteEngine.TestComplete10.TestCompleteEngine.StartExecution(AutomatedTestRun4 automatedTestRun, Int32 projectId)
at Inflectra.RemoteLaunch.Business.RunTestThread.Execute()

What am I doing wrong?

6 Replies
Friday, October 31, 2014
re: gcause Friday, October 31, 2014

Hi Grant

Thanks for also logging a help desk ticket.

Generally you need to use:

Project Suite Path|Project Name|Test Item Name (for a test item)


Project Suite Path|Project Name|Unit Name|Routine Name(for an individual test routine)

so most likely the issue is that the Test Item Name or Routine name is not correct.

Please send us a screenshot of the test complete test that you're trying to execute in the help desk ticket and we can assist you further.



Monday, November 3, 2014
re: inflectra.david Friday, October 31, 2014

Test Server is undergoing maintenance so I cant get a screenshot for you right now. Here is what I am using for the path:

C:\Users\SMARTBEAR\Documents\TestComplete 10 Projects\Pulse Project\RegressionTests\PulseRegressionTests.pjs|BaseTests|Script|StartUpApp.scs

Heres the breakdown of the components in the path:

Project Suite Path C:\Users\SMARTBEAR\Documents\TestComplete 10 Projects\Pulse Project\RegressionTests\

Project Name PulseRegressionTests.pjs

Unit Name BaseTests

Routine Name(for an individual test routine) Script|StartUpApp.scs


The scs extension indicates it is a C# script in version 10 of TestComplete.

Monday, November 3, 2014
re: gcause Sunday, November 2, 2014

Ok got it working. My fault. I wasnt getting the format you required.

Here is what worked:

C:\Users\SMARTBEAR\Documents\TestComplete 10 Projects\PulseSuite\PulseSuite.pjs|BaseTests|StartApp|Test1

All good now. Thank you for your assistance it is greatly appreciated.

Monday, November 3, 2014
re: gcause Sunday, November 2, 2014

You are most welcome.



Friday, December 12, 2014
re: inflectra.david Monday, November 3, 2014
Hi Adam,

Is Spira Configuration support function parameter, because right now i am not able to run my spira test with function parameter in c#

my code is :

  [Test, SpiraTestCase(418)]
       [TestCaseSource(typeof(AdminModel), "UserValidation")]
          public void PublicAdminSpira(string userName, string password) 
              var page = this.OpenPage<LoginPage>(this.AdminModel.LoginPagePath);
              page.FillInForm(userName, password, false);


 i have pass two parameter value and run through nunit, than its not shows passed /failed status in spira test ID.

now if i am not user parameter and run through nunit than it shows status with spira test id as passed/failed for example-
 [Test, SpiraTestCase(418)]
          public void PublicAdminSpira() 
              var page = this.OpenPage<LoginPage>(this.AdminModel.LoginPagePath);
              page.FillInForm("username", "passwored", false);


please replay...
Friday, December 12, 2014
re: gangotri Friday, December 12, 2014
Hi Gangotri

Could you please log this as a new thread.


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  • Started: Friday, October 31, 2014
  • Last Reply: Friday, December 12, 2014
  • Replies: 6
  • Views: 11991