SpiraTeam sync with Jira problem

Thursday, August 4, 2016
   Currently we want to sync the Jira with SpiraTeam. We purpose is list below:
1. Sync the requirement with certain issue type with Jira. (When one of them is changed, will be automatically sync to another)
2. Sync incidnent with certain issue type with Jira. (When one of them is changed, will be automatically sync to another)

    We just start to use the Jira Plugin and now what we have done list as below:
1. Edit the "DataSyncService.exe.config" with right value
2. Start the  "Data-Synchronization Service"
3. Download the relevant Jira Plugin Zip file and put to Bin folder after extract them.
4. Configure the "Data Synchronization" in SpiraTeam webpage.

But now we met a problem. When it start to Sync. Below error appeared:

" General Error: Web Exception Error calling JIRA REST API: 'The remote server returned an error: (404) Not Found.' Details:

Oops, you've found a dead link.  "

So is there any suggestion for the error?

4 Replies
Thursday, August 4, 2016
re: carey.sun Thursday, August 4, 2016
Hi Carey

I would log a help desk ticket and include this error message and a screenshot of the URL you are using to connect to JIRA, it sounds like it may not be correct (from the error message).


Friday, August 5, 2016
re: inflectra.david Thursday, August 4, 2016
Hi Adam,
   Thanks a lot. The JIRA Link is http://lmsnus-s-jira.europe.leicams.com:8080/login.jsp . I try the link in the Spira Server, it works.
My Spira Version is 4.1 and JIRA version is V6.2.

Tuesday, August 9, 2016
re: inflectra.david Thursday, August 4, 2016
Hi Adam,
   I received another error today. It's like below: 
"General Error: Web Exception Error calling JIRA REST API: Unable to connect to the remote server
 at Inflectra.SpiraTest.PlugIns.Jira5DataSync.JiraClient.JiraManager.RunQuery(JiraResource resource, String argument, String data, String method)
 at Inf
General Error: Web Exception Error calling JIRA REST API: Unable to connect to the remote server
 at Inflectra.SpiraTest.PlugIns.Jira5DataSync.JiraClient.JiraManager.RunQuery(JiraResource resource, String argument, String data, String method)
 at Inflectra.SpiraTest.PlugIns.Jira5DataSync.JiraClient.JiraManager.GetPermissions()
 at Inflectra.SpiraTest.PlugIns.Jira5DataSync.DataSync.Execute(Nullable`1 lastSyncDate, DateTime serverDateTime)"

Do you have some suggestions?
Tuesday, August 9, 2016
re: carey.sun Tuesday, August 9, 2016
Hi Carey,

Please note the Jira sync works as follows:
  1. New incidents logged in SpiraTeam appear in JIRA
  2. New issues logged in JIRA appear in SpiraTeam
  3. Updates made in JIRA will update SpiraTeam
However, any changes made in SpiraTeam will not update JIRA, to avoid data collisions.

For more details, please see the Bug Tracking Integration Guide.

As for the error you got, make sure the "Connection Info" is correct in the JiraDataSync. This should the full URL to the JIRA installation being connected to (including any custom port numbers). Entering this URL into a web browser should bring up the JIRA login page.

If you are still having trouble, please log a Help Desk ticket.


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  • Started: Thursday, August 4, 2016
  • Last Reply: Tuesday, August 9, 2016
  • Replies: 4
  • Views: 7980