Export to Project does not copy the attached documents

Wednesday, November 5, 2014
The Export to Project function copies e.g. Requirements from one project to another, but the attached documents are not copied, there will only be created a new reference to the existing document. This is the same if you export documents directly to another project.
Is it possible to force a copy of the documents as well? For us it is a problem if someone changes a document in project B, because it will be changed in project A as well, but the user cannot notice this. There is no possibility to see in which projects a document is used, so we cannot identify which documents are added to the project by the Export to Project functionality. If this identification is at least possible, we could manually delete this documents from the project and add them manually.
For us it is neccessary to have real copies in the most cases, which are independent from each other.

Any ideas how to solve this?
3 Replies
Monday, November 10, 2014
re: KaiGerhold Wednesday, November 5, 2014
Hi Kai

I have checked and the good news is that the Spira Project Backup & Migration Tool can do this for you. See the SpiraTeam Add-On and Downloads Page for details.

This tool will do a backup of the project including attachments to a flat file. It will then reimport them as a new project with completely separate attachments.


Wednesday, July 1, 2015
re: inflectra.sarahx Monday, November 10, 2014
This is still an issue for us. Copying the documents with the Project Backup and Migration Tool is only useful for an initial copy of a project, but what if a user copies e.g. a requirement with attached documents from one project to another?
1. Is is possible to show for a document ALL associations and not only the associations in the current project?
2. Is it possible to implement an additional export option to force the creation of a copy of the attached documents (e.g. when copying a reqruiement)?

Option 1. is a must have for us to identify if a document is used from more than one project. Option 2. is nice-to-have and makes it easier for the user once he is exporting.

Thanks for any reply.

Thursday, July 2, 2015
re: KaiGerhold Wednesday, July 1, 2015
Hi Kai,

Good news: in our next major release, 5.0, it is planned to copy attachments when exporting requirements (and other artifacts) to another project.


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  • Started: Wednesday, November 5, 2014
  • Last Reply: Thursday, July 2, 2015
  • Replies: 3
  • Views: 18310