Articles Tagged 'webdriver'

ChromeDriver update: onbeforeunload is not fired any more since 126.0.6465.0

Since version 126.0.6465.0 ChromeDriver behaves according to W3C standard. Specifically:

Whenever active sessions is a list containing exactly one item, and that item is a HTTP session, but is not a BiDi session, then in the steps to fire beforeunload, implementations must act as if showing an unload prompt is likely to be annoying, deceptive, or pointless. This means that beforeunload prompts are never shown when there's an active HTTP-only session.

Chrome for Testing

This is the mirror of

Using links from this JSON file you may download specific versions of Chrome that do not auto-update.

Testing mobile applications built with Ionic framework

Ionic is an open source UI toolkit for building performant, high-quality mobile apps using web technologies — HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. This means that being mobile, Ionic applications are web applications by nature. And it is much more convenient to test them via WebDriver rather than Appium. Requires Rapise 8.1+.

How to manipulate browser cookies using Selenium API in Rapise

If you run Rapise tests via Selenium WeDriver you may need to manipulate browser cookies. Learn how from this post.

How to emulate keyboard and mouse via Selenium API in Rapise

Though Rapise can execute it's native recorded tests via WebDriver - some users prefer to write their tests in pure Selenium API. In this post we describe how to perform complex mouse and keyboard sequences via Selenium API in Rapise tests.

How to work with Shadow DOM via Native Selenium API in Rapise

If your scripting is style is writing JavaScript and using Native Selenium API and you wish to dig inside Shadow DOM - read this short article. Requires Rapise 7.3+

Running Selenium WebDriver Scripts using RemoteLaunch and JUnit
This article explains the process for running Selenium WebDriver test scripts written in Java using JUnit, RemoteLaunch and SpiraTest.