Articles Tagged 'template'

Writing Custom Reports for SpiraTeam v2.3 - v3.2

This articles describes how to write custom reports in SpiraTest, SpiraPlan and SpiraTeam. It also can be used to modify the layout and styling of the various built-in reports.
This information applies to the following versions of Spira:

  • v2.3
  • v2.3.1
  • v3.0
  • v3.1
  • v3.2

This article is obsolete. To create a new report it is not currently necessary to populate the tables, all applicable tables are already populated and available as ‘views’. To find more about available custom report tables, getting started tutorial, information about using dynamic tokens in reports, custom reports, custom graphs, OData (SpiraPlan only), please refer to our documentation here.

Formatting Actual Duration in a Custom Report

By default Spira displays duration values in hours formatted as 0.00 number. If you wish to format these values as hhh:mm:ss then you need to change the XSLT in a custom report.

Using the Spira v5.x Custom Reporting with Custom Properties

The custom reporting functionality in SpiraTest, SpiraPlan and SpiraTeam v5.4 (or later) includes the ability to write complex reports, joining various tables, using SQL aggregation (COUNT, SUM, etc.) functions and other advanced reporting features. A common needs is to display a list of artifacts (requirements, test cases, etc.) and join against the custom property definitions so that you get the custom fields displayed with the names of the value not just the IDs. This articles explains how to do this.

Using the Spira v4.x Custom Reporting with Custom Properties

The custom reporting functionality in SpiraTest, SpiraPlan and SpiraTeam v4.1 (or later) includes the ability to write complex reports, joining various tables, using SQL aggregation (COUNT, SUM, etc.) functions and other advanced reporting features. A common needs is to display a list of artifacts (requirements, test cases, etc.) and join against the custom property definitions so that you get the custom fields displayed with the names of the value not just the IDs. This articles explains how to do this.

Specifying Heading Styles in Spira Custom Reports

A customer wanted to know the way to correctly format their reports so that they would look correctly in HTML and MS-Word in terms of the headings.

Modifying the underlying MS-Word Templates in Spira 4.1+
The web-based custom reporting system in Spira v4.1 (or later) is designed to let you easily change the layout and contents of the various reports (and to create your own reports). It works in a format-agnostic manner, so that the same templates and layouts can be used regardless of whether the final report will be in PDF, HTML, Excel or MS-Word format. However sometimes there is a need to modify the specific template used to generate a specific format (e.g. MS-Word). This article describes the process.
Writing Custom Reports in SpiraTeam v2.3 - v3.2
Using SpiraTest, SpiraPlan or SpiraTeam versions v2.3 - v3.2 you can create custom reports that can be displayed in the Reports tab of the system. This article explains the process for creating such reports. Note that the reporting system is being updated in Spira v4.0 and these instructions will not apply to v4.0 or later versions of the system.