Articles Tagged 'spiraplan'

Cross-Project Risk Management for Secondary Risks

Organizations sometimes maintain a risk register and map risks from the risk register to individual projects. Each project may apply different risk rating scale, such as one project using FMEA and another using the standard Probability/Impact Assessment. This article addresses how this can be done.

Risk Analysis - Checking in on Accepted and Unresolved Product Level Risks

The second stage of risk management lifecycle involves analyzing the risks identified. This involves expert judgement or first level subjective analysis to evaluate which risks are worth spending more time on. This article addresses how to report on such an analysis done.

Removing News Feed Widget from On-Premise Spira Installations

Some of our customers who have SpiraTest, SpiraPlan, and SpiraTeam installations wanted to know how you can remove the "News Feed" RSS widget from all users' dashboards since it was causing Spira to access the domain.

Upgrading Spira Editions - What is The Process?

Customers often ask us about the process for upgrading from SpiraTest to SpiraTeam / SpiraPlan or from SpiraTeam to SpiraPlan. In this article we address some of the common questions for both cloud and on-premise customers.

How do I Recover a Deleted Project in Spira?

Most of the artifacts in Spira are "soft deleted", i.e. they are simply marked with a deleted flag, and can be recovered easily by a project administrator using the Project History Changes option to review the changes, filter by deletes and revert the change. However when a system administrator deletes a whole project, it physically deletes the project and cannot be undone.