Articles Tagged 'documents'

Fixing error where uploading attachments gives missing folder or types message

This articles provides the solution to the following error messages that you may receive in Spira if you have missing default project attachment types/folders for a project:

APPLICATION.Business.Attachment::Insert: Inflectra.SpiraTest.Business.ProjectDefaultAttachmentTypeException, Can't locate the default project attachment type for project X

APPLICATION.Business.Attachment::Insert: Inflectra.SpiraTest.Business.ProjectDefaultAttachmentFolderException, Can't locate the default project folder for project X

This article is obsolete, since new versions of Spira have this issue already resolved and do not require any manual intervention to correct the possible error message.

Uploading Screenshots to Spira using the v5.0 REST API

We have had some customers looking to upload files to Spira using our REST API. This article provides some sample code.

Uploading Screenshots to Spira using the v6.0 REST API

We have had some customers looking to upload files to Spira using our REST API. This article provides some sample code.

Creating a Report of Documents in SpiraTeam

A customer asked us this question:

My team is using SpiraTeam 5.4 as a storage vault for all software documents. The documents are placed in a specific project "System" that has been created for this specific purpose.

The documents are placed into several subdirectories: Requirements, Risks, Design., General, etc

Can we generate a report that lists the name of the document, folder, author, and current version.