Articles Tagged 'dates'

Why are Months in Czech & Slovak Cultures Sometimes Shown in Roman Numerals

When running Spira or KronoDesk on certain versions of Windows, when using the Czech or Slovak culture settings (or using Server default when Windows is installed in those languages) you may get unusual formatted dates.

This article is obsolete.
There is a new Style Guide for Czech and Slovak - can be found here:

How to Control Upgrades of Cloud Spira in Life Sciences

Many of our customers work in the life sciences and healthcare industries. They want to use cloud hosted versions of SpiraTest, SpiraTeam, or SpiraPlan, but they need to be able to control the updates and also be able to have a staging and production environment. This article explains the options we provide

Generating a Report of Artifacts that have Invalid Dates

Sometimes you will load in data into SpiraTeam using Excel, Google Sheets or other methods where you end up with dates that are invalid, for example tasks that have an end date before their start date! This article explains how you can use a custom report to quickly find them.

Rapise cannot connect to Firefox immediately after Firefox updates

If you try and connect to Firefox with Rapise immediately after Firefox has updated, you may see the following error message:

Microsoft JScript runtime error: 'Navigator.GetBrowserHWND()' is null or not an object