Articles Tagged 'data-driven'

Data-driven testing with spreadsheets and RVL

Many test automation scenarios require performing same steps with different data. For example, login into application with different user credentials, or enter several lines of a sales order into a table. This is data-driven testing. From this article you will learn how to do this in Rapise Visual Language (RVL) and JavaScript modes.  You will also learn how to define data within a test and in external spreadsheet.

Using Rapise to extract test data from an Excel sheet

Often you want to be able to parameterize your Rapise tests to have a common set of test functions that can use different combinations of test data. You can use a MS-Excel spreadsheet to store the test data and use Rapise to read out the matching values. This articles provides a sample for doing this.

This article is obsolete. For modern ways of making data-driven tests please refer to Data-Driven Testing documentation topic.

Using Rapise to populate data in an Excel Spreadsheet
The built-in Spreadsheet object in Rapise makes it easy to read data from an MS-Excel spreadsheet. What happens if you want to write data back to the Excel sheet?