Articles Tagged 'cmd'

Running Rapise test sets without third-party tools

Recommended way of running Rapise tests on regular basis is using SpiraTest and RapiseLauncher. Other options include Azure DevOps and Jenkins. But there is also a way of running Rapise tests via command line. If this is what you are looking for then read this article.

How to run a program as a different user

Sometimes a test needs to run a process as a different user (not the logged in user executing Rapise). It is not possible to use runas command for this purpose because it forces a user to type a password manually.  From this short article you will learn how to reach the goal.

How to run CMD shell commands

In some cases a test needs to run a Windows shell command (e.g. dir, ipconfig, gpresult) and capture/parse output. Learn how to do this in Rapise from this short article.