Articles Tagged 'aria'

Analyzing Overdue Tasks

One of the frequent activities that is monitored in a plan-driven project is the schedule delays due to tasks. This article helps visualizing the tasks across the iterations to evaluate any task delay patterns that can be addressed.  

Different XPath Options in Rapise 4.0

When testing complex data-driven web applications using Rapise, it is helpful to understand the different ways that Rapise can automatically learn the objects. Rapise can learn an object using either XPATH or CSS. In the case of XPATH there are several strategies that Rapise can use to make the testing more robust. This article describes these strategies and provides some suggestions about which one is the best to use for different scenarios.

How to organize custom code in User.js

Every test has a User.js file and it is a place to put custom code and functions. This code must follow a few rules.