In order to use this report, it assumes that you have already some requirements in your SpiraPlan product:

It also assumes you have some risks in your SpiraPlan product:

It also requires that you have some test cases in your product:

and that those are also mapped to the requirements:

and finally, that you have mapped some of the requirements to risks (and/or vice-versa):

Creating the Custom Report
With the necessary data in place, simply create a new custom report, choosing the following options:
- Name: Test Case - Risk Traceability Matrix
- Category: Test Cases
- Format(s):
- Excel (printable)
- Word (current)
Then add a custom section to this report, with the following query and template:
Report Query
from SpiraTestEntities.R_TestCases as TC
left join SpiraTestEntities.R_RequirementTestCases as RT on TC.TEST_CASE_ID = RT.TEST_CASE_ID
left join SpiraTestEntities.R_ArtifactAssociations as AA on RT.REQUIREMENT_ID = AA.SOURCE_ARTIFACT_ID and AA.SOURCE_ARTIFACT_TYPE_ID = 1
left join SpiraTestEntities.R_Risks as RK on AA.DEST_ARTIFACT_ID = RK.RISK_ID and AA.DEST_ARTIFACT_TYPE_ID = 14
where TC.PROJECT_ID = ${ProjectId}
and TC.IS_DELETED = false)
from SpiraTestEntities.R_TestCases as TC
left join SpiraTestEntities.R_RequirementTestCases as RT on TC.TEST_CASE_ID = RT.TEST_CASE_ID
left join SpiraTestEntities.R_ArtifactAssociations as AA on RT.REQUIREMENT_ID = AA.DEST_ARTIFACT_ID and AA.DEST_ARTIFACT_TYPE_ID = 1
left join SpiraTestEntities.R_Risks as RK on AA.SOURCE_ARTIFACT_ID = RK.RISK_ID and AA.SOURCE_ARTIFACT_TYPE_ID = 14
where TC.PROJECT_ID = ${ProjectId}
and TC.IS_DELETED = false)
Report Template
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="" xmlns:msxsl="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xslt" exclude-result-prefixes="msxsl">
<xsl:template match="/RESULTS">
<table class="DataGrid"><tr><th>Test Case ID</th><th>Test Case Name</th><th>Risk ID</th><th>Risk Name</th><th>Risk Impact</th><th>Risk Probability</th><th>Risk Exposure</th></tr>
<xsl:for-each select="ROW">
<tr><td>TC:<xsl:value-of select="TEST_CASE_ID"/></td><td><xsl:value-of select="TEST_CASE_NAME"/></td><td>RK:<xsl:value-of select="RISK_ID"/></td><td><xsl:value-of select="RISK_NAME"/></td><td><xsl:value-of select="RISK_IMPACT_NAME"/></td><td><xsl:value-of select="RISK_PROBABILITY_NAME"/></td><td><xsl:value-of select="RISK_EXPOSURE"/></td>
Click Save on the popup, and Save on the main report page. The report is now ready to use.
Running the Report
Now that you have created the report, go to the main Reports tab and choose to run the report in one of the supported formats. You will now see the following:
Test Case ID | Test Case Name | Risk ID | Risk Name | Risk Impact | Risk Probability | Risk Exposure |
TC:2 | Ability to create new book2 | RK: | | | | |
TC:2 | Ability to create new book2 | RK:4 | The book pages may not be easy enough to use | Marginal | Possible | 6 |
TC:2 | Ability to create new book2 | RK:6 | The client team may not be ready for UAT | Critical | Rare | 3 |
TC:3 | Ability to edit existing book | RK: | | | | |
TC:3 | Ability to edit existing book | RK:1 | The v1.1 release may not be ready in time | Critical | Certain | 15 |
TC:3 | Ability to edit existing book | RK:5 | The software licenses may be too expensive | Marginal | Unlikely | 4 |
TC:4 | Ability to create new author | RK: | | | | |
TC:4 | Ability to create new author | RK:3 | The database may not support the volume | Critical | Unlikely | 6 |
TC:5 | Ability to edit existing author | RK: | | | | |
TC:6 | Ability to reassign book to different author | RK: | | | | |
TC:6 | Ability to reassign book to different author | RK:3 | The database may not support the volume | Critical | Unlikely | 6 |
TC:8 | Book management | RK: | | | | |
TC:8 | Book management | RK:1 | The v1.1 release may not be ready in time | Critical | Certain | 15 |
TC:8 | Book management | RK:3 | The database may not support the volume | Critical | Unlikely | 6 |
TC:8 | Book management | RK:4 | The book pages may not be easy enough to use | Marginal | Possible | 6 |
TC:8 | Book management | RK:5 | The software licenses may be too expensive | Marginal | Unlikely | 4 |
TC:8 | Book management | RK:6 | The client team may not be ready for UAT | Critical | Rare | 3 |
which will render something like: