
Unlike Inflectra which has a policy of not breaking APIs and manages multiple versions to avoid the need for breaking changes, Atlassian unfortunately tends to break its APIs with regularity. In this case, the Jira createmeta endpoint used to determine which fields are needed to create issues has been removed from Jira 9.0 or later:

Createmeta REST endpoint is commonly used when Atlassian products are integrated to create issues in Jira from Bitbucket Server, Bamboo, Confluence Server, Confluence Cloud, Fisheye/Crucible, or Jira Mobile App. It might also be used by 3rd party apps.  

To mitigate the issues caused by the createmeta REST endpoint:

  1. Disable calls to  createmeta REST api in your environment. To do that, enable the   com.atlassian.jira.issue.dark.feature.createmeta.disable dark feature. See Enable Jira dark features
  2. Modify the calls the integrations use to the following:

    Return a list of projects
    Return a list of issue types given a project
    Return a list of fields given a project and an issue type


We have already modified the Jira Server Data Sync on our website to make it version sensitive. It will now automatically request the Jira version from the server and then depending on the version, either use the new API endpoint (Jira 9.0 or later) or the old one (Jira 8.0 or earlier).

You can get the latest version of the Jira Server (and DataCenter) plugin from our website: