Spira 3.2 - Queries

Thursday, January 24, 2013


I am using Spira 3.2 and have few queries on it

1) is there a separate space for entering pre-conditions in test case artefact ?

2) I dont see artefacts for Code review and Test case review ?  Currently, i create a task for code review, test case review and custom property called comments (free text box) to capture the review comments.  But it would be beneficial if we have a separate artefacts. In the manual process, we used to capture review comments in the excel sheets with prority in it and it will be tracked to close by the user.

3) I find two types of traceabilty - Requirement Traceability and Test Case traceability. but i find both doesn't complete traceable information. Information which i expect is Requirement, Test case, Code changes, Incident raised for the requirement.   If possible Task but that is only optional..

4) In test case execution, it prompts for release and build no, but it is not possible to enter the build no in Spira.  We do manual testing and it is important to capture the build number to know against which build the test case has been executed.

5) Is there a way to have a pre-defined tasks in Spira ?  where we need to choose that instead of manually entering the task.  For e.g tasks like coding, review, testing are common for all the requirement, but everytime i have to enter that in spira..

6) Is there a way to capture the no of rounds the test cases has been executed before passing the deliverables.. count of rounds.. This might be useful in the management perspective to see whether how many level of rework is done on the requirement before it gets passed.

Sorry to ask all the above queries in single thread


2 Replies
Monday, January 28, 2013
re: kjana Thursday, January 24, 2013
jana kannan


I am using Spira 3.2 and have few queries on it

1) is there a separate space for entering pre-conditions in test case artefact ?

2) I dont see artefacts for Code review and Test case review ?  Currently, i create a task for code review, test case review and custom property called comments (free text box) to capture the review comments.  But it would be beneficial if we have a separate artefacts. In the manual process, we used to capture review comments in the excel sheets with prority in it and it will be tracked to close by the user.

3) I find two types of traceabilty - Requirement Traceability and Test Case traceability. but i find both doesn't complete traceable information. Information which i expect is Requirement, Test case, Code changes, Incident raised for the requirement.   If possible Task but that is only optional..

4) In test case execution, it prompts for release and build no, but it is not possible to enter the build no in Spira.  We do manual testing and it is important to capture the build number to know against which build the test case has been executed.

5) Is there a way to have a pre-defined tasks in Spira ?  where we need to choose that instead of manually entering the task.  For e.g tasks like coding, review, testing are common for all the requirement, but everytime i have to enter that in spira..

6) Is there a way to capture the no of rounds the test cases has been executed before passing the deliverables.. count of rounds.. This might be useful in the management perspective to see whether how many level of rework is done on the requirement before it gets passed.

Sorry to ask all the above queries in single thread




Monday, January 28, 2013
re: kjana Thursday, January 24, 2013

Hi Jana

1) No, you enter it either the main test case description or you can create a separate custom property.

2) There is actually a separate comments tab associated with Task and Test Case, you'd usually enter the comments for code against the Task and comments for testing against the Test Case.

3) The Requirements Detailed Report might be a better choice since it shows all of the artifacts relationships (Requirement, Task, Test Case, Incident, Source Code)

4) The build number needs to come from an external build server such as Jenkins/Hudson. For manual build numbers, just disable this field in Administration and instead add a text Test Run custom property to store the build.

5) Currently that is not possible, but something being planned for the future.

6) Try looking at the Test Runs tab of the test case. Is that what you're looking for?



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  • Started: Thursday, January 24, 2013
  • Last Reply: Monday, January 28, 2013
  • Replies: 2
  • Views: 2225