
Friday, February 17, 2012


We are currently evaluating SpiraTest to make sure it is the product we want to use.
If we have misunderstood the concept of SpiraTest I apologize, but
i think we have come up with a few things that would really help us and probably others too.

1. A log showing who did what and when. My worst nightmare: 10 people that are new to this, all creating/editing/moving test cases and folders and suddenly something has gone missing.

2. Test Runs tab on a release should be able to show ALL test cases

3. Test Cases added to a release should retain their organization in Folders and Test Sets.

4. It should be possible to assign the execution of a Release, a Folder of Test Cases in Release or a Test Set in a Release to another user. The process for a test manager would be: add testcases to the release as incidents are planned/done, add testsets to the release to handle for instance regression tests, assign execution of parts of the total release to different testers.

Best regards


2 Replies
Monday, February 27, 2012
re: mbp Friday, February 17, 2012
1) There is such a log. Go to the History tab of each artifact and it will show you what was changed. For a global view, go to Administration > Project History changes and you'll see all the most recent changes. You can even undo changes if you are an admin. This includes being able to undelete accidental deletes.

2) You would use the Test Sets page to see the list of test sets that are in progress and you can see the progress clearly from the colored indicator bars.

3) Could you please explain what you mean by this, I don't understand the question? Thanks!

4) This is done in the following way:

a) Assign the test cases that need to be tested to the release (i.e. in release 1.0 we need to test these features)
b) From the list of test cases that are in each release, create a test set for each tester and assign these test cases to the various test sets.
c) The testers each execute their test set and you can track their progress on the main Test Sets screen.
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
re: mbp Friday, February 17, 2012


I was just having the discussion today about your point #4 as well. I would like to have a test set within a release and assign the test cases to users from there. This current functionality does not show up in on the "My Page" tab.  They will just have to execute each test case seperately.

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  • Started: Friday, February 17, 2012
  • Last Reply: Wednesday, February 29, 2012
  • Replies: 2
  • Views: 2761