Step by Step guide to Integrate Selenium WebDriver with Spira

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Hi Team,

Please do provide step by step guide to integrate Selenium with Spira?
We are using Selenium with TestNG framework + Extent Reports.


3 Replies
Thursday, January 31, 2019
Monday, February 25, 2019
re: inflectra.david Thursday, January 31, 2019

Hi Adam,


Thank you for your reply,as per Answer,in my Framework we're not using TestNG to execute the Test Cases.As we're using Hybrid Driven Framework,Test Execution drive through the excel and Only we're maintaining Driver Script,Function Library for Re-useful methods.


Can you ,please provide help how to use my framework in Spira to execute Test Cases.

Thursday, August 1, 2019
re: rajeshkuchana Monday, February 25, 2019

Please log a support ticket and we'll be happy to assist.

The forum is for general questions, not specific help needs.



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  • Started: Wednesday, January 30, 2019
  • Last Reply: Thursday, August 1, 2019
  • Replies: 3
  • Views: 5787