Test Case Export to SpiraTest from Excel - Step Order not maintained

Monday, January 9, 2017
If I use Excel to edit a SpiraTest test case - and add new lines at various points in the test case - there is a test step ordering problem when I Export the test case back to SpiraTest from Excel.  In older versions, the step order would be maintained as the order that the steps were in - in Excel even with new step IDs assigned to the new steps.  In Version 5.1, the step order is jumbled when I export back to Spira.  The new step IDs are assigned...  but the order is out of order.

Anyone else experiencing this issue?  We are using the latest Microsoft Office Add-In and Excel template file.

We edit in excel because it can be much more efficient than editing in SpiraTest if many steps need updating.
1 Replies
Wednesday, January 11, 2017
re: bkstigler Monday, January 9, 2017
Hi Brian

The Excel Add-In was designed to work so that new test steps added to the Excel Add-In would be added to the end of the list. For test steps added in the middle of an existing test case, it was not designed to put them in the correct place. I believe in v4.2 due to a quirk in the way the system work, it might happen, but it was never designed in. Sorry for any inconvenience.



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  • Started: Monday, January 9, 2017
  • Last Reply: Wednesday, January 11, 2017
  • Replies: 1
  • Views: 2902