How to add Automation TAB in the spiratest?

Tuesday, May 17, 2011



I am unable to add the "Automation " tab in teh new testcase creation.I tried to login with admin user and go to the administarion page and integarion ,BUT I DID NOT FIND INTEGARION .


Please suggest how can i add .


1 Replies
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
re: Shagadi Tuesday, May 17, 2011

It sounds like you're running an older version of SpiraTest. The automation tab was added to SpiraTest v3.0, you would need to first upgrade to SpiraTest v3.0 and then you will be able to integrate with TestComplete.

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  • Started: Tuesday, May 17, 2011
  • Last Reply: Tuesday, May 17, 2011
  • Replies: 1
  • Views: 5111