migration from Kronodesk 1.1 to 2.0

Wednesday, August 30, 2017


I use the version 1.1 of Kronodesk and i have some questions before installing the version 2.0 which is now available.

First of all, if i upgrade my Kronodesk in version 2.0, is the database used in version 1.1 compatible with the version 2.0 or must i restart with a empty database (and i will lost all my history of help tickets and knowledge database) ?

In the version 1.1 i can't known precisely the time for resolution of a ticket; i would calulate it in hour and not in day. Is it possible with the version 2.0 ?

In my actual version i use many SQL script to do some reports; is the structure of the database similary in version 1.1 and 2.0 (does my SQL script will always run ?) ?

I use custom lists in version 1.1; is it compatible with version 2.0 ?

Thanks for your answer's

1 Replies
Thursday, August 31, 2017
re: fabol Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Hi Fabrice

Thanks for your questions.

  1. The MSI installation package will detect the existing v1.1 installation and upgrade the v1.1 database to the newer v2.0 format for you as part of the upgrade process. However I would still recommend doing a full database backup first :-)
  2. The data is there in the system, and I believe the tooltips give dates and times. you can now export the ticket list to Excel/CSV as well to make such analysis easier.
  3. The structure of the database is a bit different, but no that much. Email support@inflectra.com and we can provide a detailed change log of the DB if that would be helpful.
  4. Yes the custom lists are the same in v2.0 as v1.1.

However we are releasing  v2.1 in a couple of weeks, so it might be worth waiting until then to save upgrading twice.


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  • Started: Wednesday, August 30, 2017
  • Last Reply: Thursday, August 31, 2017
  • Replies: 1
  • Views: 2615