Some suggestions :copy and paste test steps and makng changes to test cases whilst executing

Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Hello ,

I have been using spirateam since 3 month. I have some sugggestions regarding to use of spirateam though it is very useful and interesting to use :
  1. When copy and paste test steps in a test case , we can't insert step in the middle of any test steps , they are always pasted below the last step. It would be better if they can be pasted anywhere we want to optimize time.
  2. It is most often that whilst executing test sets, we found grammatical , functional and other mistakes in our test cases. Can't  we have the option of making changes while executing test cases ? i have seen this can be done in other testing tools.

I really assume that if we have these two options , it will optiize the use and users of spirateam.

Thank You .


1 Replies
Friday, June 29, 2012
re: Navisha Wednesday, June 27, 2012

1) Unlike on the test cases, requirements, etc. pages, you cannot choose where to put the copied test step. This is a known limitation that we plan on addressing in the future.

2) When you run a test, the system creates a separate copy of the test case(s) used for execution. That way any changes made by the test case author do not impact your testing. As a result you'd have to open up the test case itself in a separate browser tab if you'd like to make changes to it during test execution.

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  • Started: Wednesday, June 27, 2012
  • Last Reply: Friday, June 29, 2012
  • Replies: 1
  • Views: 2526