Test Set - can you assign to multiple Testers in one Set?

Friday, October 29, 2021


We have steps within a few Test Cases that are dependent on another User/Testers completing a step before the next step can be actioned.  For example, Step 3 is "Finance Manager approves Purchase Requisition" and Step 4 is "Finance Officer receives a notification that Finance Manager has approved the Purchase Requisition and a P/O has been generated".
Is there a way to assign specific Steps within a Test Case to different Testers?
Or, is there a way to assign Test Cases within a Test et to multiple Testers?

Many thanks


2 Replies
Friday, October 29, 2021
re: nmccaughey111 Friday, October 29, 2021

Hi Nicole

Yes, you can assign separate Owners to each test case in a test set (for this very purpose).



Friday, February 17, 2023
re: nmccaughey111 Friday, October 29, 2021

Hi Nicole,

                I have the exact same situation where test cases have steps in them that need to be run by different areas of the business.

There are a few solutions, including the one made by David, however, this means splitting existing test cases up into smaller test cases, putting them in order into a Test Set (Not impossible but has drawbacks). This is a lot of work plus I can see you would end up with test cases that as individuals, don’t make sense and you lose the full context of what the Test is intended for.

Alternative Solution: Testers use the ‘Pause’ test case and ‘Pending Test Case’ functions:

How it would work:

1.The 1st tester runs the test case, complete their first 3 steps, then they ‘Pause’ it – this puts the Test Case in the ‘Pending’ list for that tester. Also when you pause a Test case the results so far do NOT show in the main test case screen. (Note:  There is function that will both put a partially run test case in the Pending list AND also show a result on the main test case screen, let me know if you want more info on this)

2.The tester then goes into their Pending test run queue and reassigns the test case to the next tester

3. The test case then appears in the next testers ‘Pending’ test case queue and they can Resume the test run and put their results in.


I haven’t tried this yet, but my Procurement and Account Payable areas here are going to trial this and see if it will work for us.

I believe it depends on the skills of your testers as they have to learn to:

  1. Use the Pause function – (Note: this is easy, a one button push)
  2. Going to the ‘Pending’ test case queue and reassign test cases from the Pending queue to the next tester
  3. Be able to resume a test case from the Pending queue when they receive

None of these are difficult once you’ve done it a few times

Let me know what you think




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  • Started: Friday, October 29, 2021
  • Last Reply: Friday, February 17, 2023
  • Replies: 2
  • Views: 908