Customer Forums

24 Forums 2352 Threads 6809 Posts

Welcome to the Inflectra customer forums, where you can discuss Inflectra products with others and contribute to the Inflectra community.

Please note that while Inflectra employees try to maintain a presence on the forums, they are not a reliable way to contact Inflectra. If you require a timely response from Inflectra on a supported topic, please file a help desk request. For sales and licensing questions, please email

Inflectra Forum Guidelines and FAQs


Rants and Raves

18 threads
69 replies

Job Postings & Jobs Wanted

1 threads
3 replies

SpiraTeam Issues & Questions

835 threads
1560 replies

SpiraTeam Best Practices

45 threads
85 replies

Spira Custom Reports

116 threads
240 replies

SpiraApps Forums

0 threads
0 replies

SpiraTest Issues & Questions

862 threads
1575 replies

SpiraTest Best Practices

46 threads
95 replies

SpiraPlan Issues & Questions

63 threads
121 replies

SpiraPlan Best Practices

4 threads
7 replies

Rapise Issues & Questions

142 threads
254 replies

Rapise Best Practices

7 threads
10 replies

KronoDesk Issues & Questions

11 threads
21 replies

KronoDesk Best Practices

0 threads
0 replies

RemoteLaunch Issues & Questions

46 threads
129 replies

RemoteLaunch Automation Engine Questions

29 threads
57 replies

Bug Tracker Data-Sync Integration

56 threads
102 replies

Data Importers

33 threads
68 replies

Unit Test Integration

9 threads
15 replies

IDE Integration

15 threads
20 replies

Version Control Integration

13 threads
23 replies

TaraVault Issues & Questions

0 threads
0 replies

TaraVault Subversion

0 threads
0 replies

TaraVault Git

1 threads
3 replies