
Sunday, March 22, 2020

I have created a project plan in which the requirements are broken down with several tasks and estimates at that level.  In creating the project plan, I've added and deleted a number of requirements/tasks that had estimates.  I am trying to use the monthly utilization to establish velocity but the but the deleted requirements/task estimates are used as part of each individuals utilization calculation making them look extremely over allocated.  Why does SpiraTeam use these estimated hours toward the utilization when the requirements/tasks have been deleted?  Has anyone noticed this and is there an update or correction coming from Inflectra to address this?

1 Replies
Tuesday, March 24, 2020
re: scphillie00 Sunday, March 22, 2020

For those reading this, the issue was:

  1. Tasks that were attached to deleted Requirements are still being calculated into individuals utilization numbers": When you delete a requirement, any tasks linked to it are not deleted. In other words, tasks can live independently of requirements. If a task has been assigned to you, it will still be shown in the My Assigned Tasks widget until that task is either deleted or completed - whether or not it is linked to a requirement, or if so if that requirement is deleted.
  2. A task is a record of work done, and ties in to timecard functionality. If a requirement is deleted, but the developer has completed a task, it seems appropriate to make sure the work itself can still be tracked.

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  • Started: Sunday, March 22, 2020
  • Last Reply: Tuesday, March 24, 2020
  • Replies: 1
  • Views: 1662