RAPISE - internal variables

Friday, July 29, 2022


I am looking for a generic variable in RAPISE whith the content of the test's name.

Do u have one ?

And is there a list of generic variable ? like g_modifierKeys,  g_testTags, .....

7 Replies
Friday, July 29, 2022
re: brutus_56 Friday, July 29, 2022

OK i have found this :




and this list ...

"g_accessibleEventsQueue": true,        "g_actionsList": true,        "g_activeXAttachedToPID": true,        "g_activeXWrapper": true,        "g_all_libraries": true,        "g_allTypedText": true,        "g_analogRecording": true,        "g_beautifySavedObjects": true,        "g_bringAutToFront": true,        "g_browserExecutablePath": true,        "g_browserLibrary": true,        "g_learnInProgress": true,        "g_verifyInProgress": true,        "g_browserParams": true,        "g_browserProfile": true,        "g_bwThreshold": true,        "g_c": true,        "g_cached_ao": true,        "g_cachedWebServiceObjects": true,        "g_cacheObjects": true,        "g_chromeHwnd": true,        "g_chromeMinimizeXPath": true,        "g_chromeNavigator": true,        "g_chromeSingleWindow": true,        "g_chromeWrapper": true,        "g_column_type_text_box": true,        "g_comboObject": true,        "g_commandInterval": true,        "g_commonParamInfo": true,        "g_currentBrowser": true,        "g_currentIteration": true,        "g_currentLibrary": true,        "g_currentStatementInfo": true,        "g_currentTelerikNode": true,        "g_customEventHandlers": true,        "g_customEventQueue": true,        "g_debug": true,        "g_debugIE": true,        "g_defaultActionDescriptions": true,        "g_defaultParamInfo": true,        "g_defaultPropertyInfo": true,        "g_domEventDefaultMode": true,        "g_enablePopupMessages": true,        "g_ensureLibsArray": true,        "g_entryPointName": true,        "g_ExcelDoc": true,        "g_ExcelReportFilePath": true,        "g_excludeFile": true,        "g_executeEmbedded": true,        "g_executionMonitor": true,        "g_extensionPatterns": true,        "g_ffHwnd": true,        "g_firefoxNavigator": true,        "g_flashObject": true,        "g_flashObjectLocatorId": true,        "g_flex": true,        "g_focusedObject": true,        "g_forceScriptSave": true,        "g_forceStop": true,        "g_fpHelper": true,        "g_fpWrapper": true,        "g_gdiWrapper": true,        "g_gridGlobalObjectsMetadata": true,        "g_GWTYUISpecificParamInfo": true,        "g_helper": true,        "g_highlight": true,        "g_htmlPlugins": true,        "g_htmlRecordClasses": true,        "g_ieHwnd": true,        "g_ieLastClickEvent": true,        "g_ieNavigator": true,        "g_includeFile": true,        "g_invalidJavaScriptIdRegex": true,        "g_iterationsCount": true,        "g_javaRules": true,        "g_javaWrapper": true,        "g_knownDataObjectTypes": true,        "g_knownInstrumentedFiles": true,        "g_knownJavaClasses": true,        "g_lastC1ComboBox": true,        "g_lastChromeEventRecorded": true,        "g_lastComboBoxName": true,        "g_lastComboBoxRoot": true,        "g_lastComboBoxXPath": true,        "g_lastDomTree": true,        "g_lastDXComboBoxEdit": true,        "g_lastDXLookUpEdit": true,        "g_lastHTMLPopupMessage": true,        "g_lastJavaChoice": true,        "g_lastJavaMenu": true,        "g_lastJavaMenuBar": true,        "g_lastJavaSwingChoice": true,        "g_lastManagedComboBox": true,        "g_lastManagedMenu": true,        "g_lastManagedMenuName": true,        "g_lastManagedMenuText": true,        "g_lastManagedPropertyGrid": true,        "g_lastmatchedSimulated": true,        "g_lastSeSObject": true,        "g_lastSyncfusionRibbonObj": true,        "g_lastTelerikComboBox": true,        "g_lastTelerikMenu": true,        "g_lastTelerikMenuName": true,        "g_lastTelerikMenuText": true,        "g_lastTreeView": true,        "g_lastUltraComboBox": true,        "g_lastUltraComboBoxName": true,        "g_learnObject": true,        "g_libInfo": true,        "g_load_libraries": true,        "g_load_libraries_set": true,        "g_loadPlugIns": true,        "g_locatorParams": true,        "g_locatorParamTransformers": true,        "g_locatorsList": true,        "g_logFileName": true,        "g_logToFile": true,        "g_managedRules": true,        "g_managedWrapper": true,        "g_manualTestExecutor": true,        "g_maxLocatorTextLength": true,        "g_md4Helper": true,        "g_menuBarItemName": true,        "g_menuBarItemText": true,        "g_menuObject": true,        "g_menuPath": true,        "g_menuStripItemName": true,        "g_menuStripItemText": true,        "g_missingObject": true,        "g_mobileProfile": true,        "g_mobileRules": true,        "g_mobileWrapper": true,        "g_modifierKeys": true,        "g_mouseKeyboardEventsQueue": true,        "g_mozillaWrapper": true,        "g_noObjectList": true,        "g_object_info_map": true,        "g_objectList": true,        "g_objectLookupAttemptInterval": true,        "g_objectLookupAttempts": true,        "g_objectsMetadataFileName": true,        "g_objectStringLocators": true,        "g_options": true,        "g_profilingArray": true,        "g_profilingObject": true,        "g_rCls": true,        "g_recordComments": true,        "g_recordedTasks": true,        "g_recording": true,        "g_recordingHighlight": true,        "g_recordingSession": true,        "g_recordingSimulated": true,        "g_redirect": true,        "g_redirected": true,        "g_relearnObject": true,        "g_relearnObjectMerge": true,        "g_reportFileName": true,        "g_ReportFunctions": true,        "g_restDefn": true,        "g_restFile": true,        "g_restoreWindowToForeground": true,        "g_restRoot": true,        "g_ruleDetectors": true,        "g_rulesHashByClassName": true,        "g_rulesHashByRole": true,        "g_rulesHashByType": true,        "g_rulesList": true,        "g_rulesToMatchFirst": true,        "g_rulesToMatchLast": true,        "g_rvlDefaultConditions": true,        "g_rWnd": true,        "g_savePlaybackScreenshots": true,        "g_savePlaybackScreenshotsAfterAction": true,        "g_savePlaybackScreenshotsBeforeAction": true,        "g_savePlaybackScreenshotsInTestReport": true,        "g_saveRecordingScreenshots": true,        "g_saveScreenshotObjectOnly": true,        "g_saveScreenshotsCaptureCursor": true,        "g_saveScreenshotsCaptureCursorType": true,        "g_saveScreenshotsIndexHtml": true,        "g_saveScreenshotsObjectStepId": true,        "g_saveScreenshotsReportHtmlPath": true,        "g_saveScreenshotOnFailure": true,        "g_scenarioName": true,        "g_scriptFileName": true,        "g_scriptObjectsFileName": true,        "g_scriptObjectsPath": true,        "g_scriptPrefix": true,        "g_scriptSteps": true,        "g_selectedMenuItem": true,        "g_seleniumDriver": true,        "g_seleniumNavigator": true,        "g_seleniumObj": true,        "g_seleniumProfile": true,        "g_serverProjectId": true,        "g_serverTestCaseId": true,        "g_ses_withoutScreenshots": true,        "g_sesCacheObjectImpl": true,        "g_sesGetObjectAtImpl": true,        "g_sesGetObjectClassImpl": true,        "g_sesGetObjectRoleImpl": true,        "g_sesOnActionRecordedImpl": true,        "g_sesOnAfterActionExecutedImpl": true,        "g_sesOnBeforeActionExecutedImpl": true,        "g_SeSReportFilePath": true,        "g_sesScriptSerializerImpl": true,        "g_sesSetFocusedObjectImpl": true,        "g_setLibraries": true,        "g_sftHelper": true,        "g_showExecutionMonitor": true,        "g_simulatedRule": true,        "g_skipAccessibleEvents": true,        "g_soapDefn": true,        "g_soapFile": true,        "g_spyDiscoveryMode": true,        "g_stage": true,        "g_startMillis": true,        "g_stopOnError": true,        "g_templateGridBlock": true,        "g_testBrowserLibrary": true,        "g_testFactory": true,        "g_testFolder": true,        "g_testPassed": true,        "g_testPrefix": true,        "g_testScriptPath": true,        "g_testSetParams": true,        "g_testSetPath": true,        "g_timeout": true,        "g_UIAutomationRules": true,        "g_UIAutomationWrapper": true,        "g_ultraControl": true,        "g_useHtmlPopups": true,        "g_useManualRecorder": true,        "g_useOldFirefoxVersion": true,        "g_userFunctionsFileName": true,        "g_useRvlRecorder": true,        "g_useVB6": true,        "g_util": true,        "g_verboseLevel": true,        "g_version": true,        "g_webBrowserConfig": true,        "g_webPluginsAutoDetect": true,        "g_webWrapper": true,        "g_wnd": true,        "g_wndProcId": true,        "g_WordDoc": true,        "g_WordReportFilePath": true,        "g_workDir": true,        "g_xpathNotFoundCallbacks": true,        "g_xpathPrefix": true,        "g_playerThread": true,        "g_recordUrls": true,        "g_customObjectDefinitionFileName": true,


is this correct ?

Do u have a documentation for the variables ?

Friday, July 29, 2022
re: brutus_56 Friday, July 29, 2022

too bad.. not working ..



Friday, July 29, 2022
re: brutus_56 Friday, July 29, 2022

find a solution with this

Tester.Message(g_testTags.substr(g_testTags.lastIndexOf('\\') + 1))

Friday, July 29, 2022
re: brutus_56 Friday, July 29, 2022

Nope again ..

it is a global variable, so when it is a sub test, it is looking for the test value, not the sub test value

Friday, July 29, 2022
re: brutus_56 Friday, July 29, 2022

If you go to the Testing Settings and the Global Settings boxes,

in the help documentation at the bottom of the dialog boxes, you will see the matching global variable for that setting.


Friday, July 29, 2022
re: brutus_56 Friday, July 29, 2022

If you need actual test name you need to use


It should work in root test and in subtests.

Friday, July 29, 2022
re: inflectra.alex Friday, July 29, 2022

Great !


Thanks, that what i need Tester.GetTestName()

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  • Started: Friday, July 29, 2022
  • Last Reply: Friday, October 7, 2022
  • Replies: 7
  • Views: 772