Top Reasons To Use SpiraPlan

Embrace The Future Where Cost Savings And High Project Performance Go Hand In Hand


faster delivery

Up to 30% increase in the project delivery efficiency as evidenced in iDirect's case study. SpiraPlan also boosted productivity in test and defect management of multiple teams at Leica Biosystems. The platform accelerates delivery times reducing labor costs and allowing for faster realization of project value and ROI.


less defects

With up to a 40% improvement in defect detection, SpiraPlan significantly reduces the costs associated with late-stage defect resolution. Efficient defect identification and logging, coupled with customizable workflows facilitate swift resolution, minimizes the chance of costly project delays or rework.


reduced risk

Up to a 30% reduction in the number of urgent risks with SpiraPlan's risk management capabilities. Early risk identification and mitigation prevent project overruns and avoid the need for emergency interventions, which can be resource-intensive and expensive.

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SpiraPlan helps us perform agile software development throughout the company by addressing every aspect that is necessary to deliver applications early with good quality. It supports users of any role and not only the core IT people. Business people and product owners are guided by the tool by personalized views, boards and workflows, so any stakeholder gets those control to the project that reflects the needs of his role. SpiraPlan combines functions that are normally spread over several tools, making portfolio management and application development easier, ensuring that results are real-time.
Brigitte Ilsanker, Effimag Information Management AG.

SpiraPlan acts as the Spira Suite's strategic command center offering an powerful platform for enterprise agile planning and execution. It harnesses the foundational strengths of SpiraTest® for QA and SpiraTeam® for integrated project management, then layers on extensive features for program and portfolio management, risk assessment, and resource planning and much more.

  • Project Management
  • Program & Portfolio Management
  • Requirements Management
  • Release Planning
  • Quality Assurance
  • Software Development
  • Risk Management
  • Reporting & Analytics

Project Management

Master your projects with SpiraPlan: craft user stories, allocate to sprints, set deadlines, and launch into action. Everything is manageable and traceable via dynamic planning boards and insightful dashboards. Each project benefits from a dashboard homepage, a holistic view summarizing crucial project details for a quick, comprehensive status insight. It's your one-stop solution for immediate project health assessment, with drill-down capabilities for deeper analysis.

SpiraPlan Project Boards
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