Running a Mobile iOS Test on Bitbar

1. Create a generic mobile profile for iOS. Assume it's name is `Bitbar iOS`.

2. In User.js of your mobile test define a function:

function GetAppiumNonProfileCapabilities(profile)
    var caps = {};
    if (profile == "Bitbar iOS")
        caps["bitbar_apiKey"] = "<Bitbar user api key>";
        caps["bitbar_device"] = "Apple iPhone 11 A2221 13.0";
        caps["bitbar_app"] = "178636686";
        caps["bitbar_project"] = "iOS Demo";
        caps["bitbar_testrun"] = "firstrun";
    return caps;

Exact values to use in the `Bitbar iOS` profile and the function can be obtained via the Bitbar dashboard. Navigate to

Choose iOS, Appium iOS Client Side, Mobile Native options.

Specify other options and you will get the capabilities to use:

Bitbar API key is located in the Security Center


Running a Mobile Android Test on Bitbar

1. Create a generic mobile profile forAndroid. Assume it's name is `Bitbar Android`.

2. In User.js of your mobile test define a function:

function GetAppiumNonProfileCapabilities(profile)
    var caps = {};
    if (profile == "Bitbar Android")
        caps["bitbar_apiKey"] = "<Bitbar user api key>";
        caps["bitbar_device"] = "Samsung Galaxy Note 10 SM-N970F";
        caps["bitbar_app"] = "178627640";
        caps["bitbar_project"] = "Android Demo";
        caps["bitbar_testrun"] = "firstrun";
    return caps;

Exact values to use in the `Bitbar Android` profile and the function can be obtained via the Bitbar dashboard. Navigate to

Choose Android, Appium iOS Client Side, Mobile Native options.

Specify other options and you will get the capabilities to use:

Bitbar API key is located in the Security Center


Running a Web Test on Bitbar

1. Create a generic browser profile for Bitbar. Assume it's name is `Bitbar Chrome`.

2. In User.js of your mobile test define a function:

function GetWebDriverNonProfileCapabilities(profile)
    var caps = {};
    if (profile == "Bitbar Chrome")
        caps["bitbar:options"] = {
            "apiKey": "Bitbar user api key",
            "resolution": "1920x1080",
            "osVersion": "10",
            "project": "Browser Demo",
            "testrun": "firstrun"
    return caps;

Exact values to use in the `Bitbar Chrome` profile and the function can be obtained via the Bitbar dashboard. Navigate to

Choose Desktop, Selenium Client Side options.

Specify other options and you will get the capabilities to use (set W3C checkbox):

Bitbar API key is located in the Security Center