Current Versions of Rapise

With version 1.4 (and higher) of Rapise you can wait for a specific object to be ready by using the built-in Global.DoWaitForProperty action:

// Wait for timer to finish
Global.DoWaitForProperty('OnlineTimerTime', 'InnerText', "00:00:00", 10000);

Rapise v1.3.x

To wait for a specific object to be ready, you need to add following function for this purpose into your <script>.user.js file:

  * Waits for specified value of object's property. Function returns object handle
  * if object was found and specified property equals to desired value or 'false'
  * in case of timeout.
  * @param obj ID of object to wait for or object itself.
  * @param getterName Property getter function name.
  * @param propValue Desired value.
  * @param [timeout = 10000] Maximum time to wait.
  * @param [params] Parameters for property getter function.
  * @returns Found object or 'false'.
function DoWaitForProperty(/**String|SeSObject*/obj, /**String*/getterName, /**String|Number|Boolean*/ propValue, /**Number*/timeout, /**Array|String|Number|Boolean*/params) /**SeSObject|false*/ {
    timeout = timeout || 10000;
    params = params || [];
    if (typeof (params) != "object")
        params = [params];
    var start_ = new Date;
    var waitInt = 0;
    do {
        var res = null;
        if (typeof (obj) == "object")
            res = obj;
            res = SeSFindObj(obj);
        if (res) {
            var prop = res[getterName];
            if (prop && typeof (prop) == "function") {
                var value = prop.apply(res, params);
                if (value === propValue) {
                    return res;
    } while ((new Date - start_) < timeout);
    return false;
This function may be used as follows:
// Wait for timer to finish
DoWaitForProperty('OnlineTimerTime', 'InnerText', "00:00:00", 10000);